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This webpage is created to provide Licensed Childcare Centres with information on CLH DSS offered services designed to support the quality inclusion of all children in your Licensed Childcare Centre 

Smiling down syndrome child wearing a bow in her hair and white top

What is Resource Consultation Services?

We are child development specialists who provide support to infants, toddlers and children (up to 6 years of age) who have developmental support needs. As Resource Consultants (RCs) we provide a general consultation service to Licensed Childcare Centers/Programs as well as a direct service to children on caseload who attend a Licensed Childcare Center in Simcoe County. Each classroom of the Licensed childcare may access the support of the RC for general classroom strategies, resources and professional development opportunities. Children on RC caseload will also receive direct support through the sharing of development, goals and strategies specific to the child. During each scheduled visit to the classroom/program RCs will model, coach and teach strategies to Early Learning Professionals (childcare staff), working as a comprehensive team.

For Children on caseload, the RC will link in early intervention team members to provide individual programming as requested/required. Program plans and services may include speech therapy, physiotherapy, occupational and behavioural therapy, vision, hearing, assessment, social work and feeding support. Throughout, we respect the values and choices of the family.

Resource Consultant services provide general consultation to licensed Before and After school programs in Simcoe county. Each location and classroom will have an RC assigned to them to provide general strategies, support sharing of community resources and activities to promote inclusion.

We have offices across the county in Midland, Alliston, Barrie, Bradford, Collingwood and Orillia.

What is Quality Inclusive Support Services?

Quality Inclusive Support Services is program provided by CLH Developmental Support Services designed to provide Licensed Child Care & Accredited Camp/Recreation Programs with funding to enhance their inclusive practices.

Quality Inclusive Support Services is available to support the Early Learning Professionals in enhancing their relationships and skillset to support all children, while ensuring an inclusive early learning environment. It is offered to both Non-Profit and For-Profit programs to provide additional funds to hire supplemental staff for the duration of a contract period.

Quality Inclusive Support Services is available to Licensed Child Care & Accredited Camp/Recreation Programs through an application process.

SCRCS Licensed Childcare Centres

SCRCS FAQ for Licensed Childcare Centres and Programs

Quality Inclusive Support Services Manual

Quality Inclusive Support Services Monthly Forms

Quality Inclusive Support Services

“The Down Syndrome Association of Central Florida’s Step Up for Down Syndrome” by ~Rich Johnson~ is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

“Isaac vet – Koala room A2” by avlxyz is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

“Lunch at the Novaco Childcare Centre” by BC Gov Photos is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

“Kids’ Work Chicago Daycare” by kidsworkchicago is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“Accessible childcare” by Scottish Government images is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

“Isaac holding hands in a ring during Jump for Joy at childcare” by avlxyz is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0